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Thursday, December 26, 2013

ACTUALLY Running with a Spine injury!!

Today I considered getting rid of my dogs, in hopes that would make things better.  The fact is that, not having dogs doesn't make things better.  Having money to take care of the dogs and have an appropriate area for them in the house makes things better, and running with them.  So, to that end, I am making a promise to myself, that THIS year I am going to make what I feel is important a priority.  Important to me and my children and my family.  I don't add my husband in that because he is an adult, and as much as I love to please him and I make sure he has what he needs...he is QUITE capable of taking care of his own needs and has definitely shown me that his happiness is a priority in his life.  So, I will follow suit.

I need to run.  I need it, like B vitamins!  LOL  Ok, if you are in the health and fitness field you know what that means.  If you're not, then that is the equivalent of saying I need it like I need chocolate.  Ok?  My DOGS, OMG, my dog's need to run!!!  Late 2013, my dogs ran away.  I just had the baby in October and by December my dogs were LOSING their MINDS.  My husband SAYS that he likes to work out, and I think it's partially true.  He enjoys when he does it.  But he doesn't love it, not like I do.  When I don't dance, workout, or run...a part of me is missing.  And I have been missing that for a while.  I went back to school and through 2013 was pregnant with my 3rd child (boy).  I have ALL boys.  Lord have mercy.  And no one shares my passion for working out.  So, as we are stuck in this God forsaken state another year.  I need to make the move to figure out how the hell I am not going to lose my sanity.

For starters, I need to figure out where to run.  I can't run safely around my house because of the terrain and my lower back.  The last thing I need is to fall and re-injure myself.  Also, from having the baby I need to re-strengthen my lower back supporting muscles and my deep core muscles.  To the end I am focusing on a gradual progression in strengthening exercises so that I can RUN WITH A BACK INJURY.

  1. I am going to start Tupler technique or MuTu exercises every week and log them on MyFitnessPal.com.  The tupler technique and the reasons why I am using them, I will add below. 
  2. I am going to do stability ball Double Leg Lifts and Supermans against the wall (feet) for lower back muscle thickening and strengthening exercises. 
  3. I got the Wii Fit and I love the basic yoga.  Why?  Because, It has that board that checks your balance.  
  4. And, I will start by walking.  Yes, I am going to begin to run by walking.  Measured, progressive walking.  Which means that I am not going to walk forever.  I will walk on my non-run days, but only after I start walking or using the Gazelle consistently enough for me to go out and start running without injuring myself and setting myself up for failure.  Honest, realistic foundations to begin.  
  5. Lastly, I will not expect miracles.  I will let my BODY tell me when I am ready.  I will not have a date for a goal.  I will have a result as a goal. Mean while, having my progression and the advancement of it be the motivator.  I have lifted weights most of my life and that is how you advance yourself.  You track and you push forward when your muscles show you that you need it.  The only people that do "maintenance" workouts are those that are already at their goal.  And even then you have to change it up periodically.
So, Tupler techniques are very useful for people who have split abdominals.  Right down the middle, the width of your ligaments that connect your abs should be about 2 finger widths apart.  It could be from losing ab muscle tone, being down from an injury, overeating, or having a baby, etc.  I used these after my last child was born and they are a life saver if you want to get back to doing core exercises and having healthy good looking abs afterwards.  Abs that actually do what you want them to do as your run around.  So, they are exercises that you can do without doing situps and it has to do with holding your abs in while breathing and bending to the side, short head lifts, lifting your knees, etc.  Think yoga and pilates.  Maybe a vlog is in order for this one.  So, I will be on myFitnessPal under BebeBarkdoll13 if you want updates and to see my schedule of exercises, food diary, etc.